Kinesin-1 tail autoregulation and microtubule-binding regions function in saltatory transport but not ooplasmic streamin...
Published in Development (Cambridge, England)
Published in Development (Cambridge, England)
Published in Development (Cambridge, England)
Previous studies demonstrated that a subset of synMuv B mutants ectopically misexpress germline-specific P-granule proteins in their somatic cells, suggesting a failure to properly orchestrate a soma/germline fate decision. Surprisingly, this fate confusion does not affect viability at low to ambient temperatures. Here, we show that, when grown at ...
Published in Development (Cambridge, England)
P granules are germ-cell-specific cytoplasmic structures containing RNA and protein, and required for proper germ cell development in C. elegans. PGL-1 and GLH-1 were previously identified as critical components of P granules. We have identified a new P-granule-associated protein, DEPS-1, the loss of which disrupts P-granule structure and function....
Published in Development (Cambridge, England)
The N-terminal head domain of kinesin heavy chain (Khc) is well known for generating force for transport along microtubules in cytoplasmic organization processes during metazoan development, but the functions of the C-terminal tail are not clear. To address this, we studied the effects of tail mutations on mitochondria transport, determinant mRNA l...